Prof. Waswa Balunywa’s message to second year students at Makerere University Business School

Prof. Waswa Balunywa’s message to second year students at Makerere University Business School
Prof. Waswa Balunywa, Principle Makerere University Business School
Prof. Waswa Balunywa, Principle Makerere University Business School

We welcome you to the second year of studies and hope that you used the break to reflect on your previous year of study and more specifically your performance.

As you may have noted, our programmes in year one were highly demanding but very satisfying.

The second year of studies is not any different, it requires hard work and time and we expect you to put in the same effort as before and you should not relent.

 You are reminded to take benefit of the time given to you by way of lectures and discussions and other contacts with the teaching staff.

Should you have any academic problems, please feel free to discuss them with your Head of Department and the Dean of Faculty. Should you find that you need to talk to me, please make arrangements with Mr. George Sserugunda, aka “Juncture” in my office to fix an appointment.

We request you to continue to abide by the regulations regarding coursework, absence from lecturers and examinations.

We look forward to contributing to your academic development and to enabling you focus your energies on developing your potential to build a successful career.

We too hope that you will continue to adopt the Makerere University Business School approach of problem solving through discussion.

Please continue to uphold the Makerere University Business School values and hold the image of MUBS as a leading business institution in the region.

 We wish you the best in the years ahead

Yours faithful

 Prof. Waswa Balunywa( PhD), Principal Makerere University Business School

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