Research and Education Network for Uganda Donates ICT Equipment to Gulu University

Research and Education Network for Uganda Donates ICT Equipment to Gulu University

Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU) has donated ICT network equipment worth UGX 60 millions to Gulu University.

The equipment is aimed at boosting internet connectivity within Gulu University, specifically in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Multifunctional Research Laboratories, and Gulu University New Library.

The equipment was delivered on September 14, 2023.

The donation is a significant contribution to Gulu University’s budget for the financial year 2023/2024 according to Nyeko John, the Bursar at Gulu University. Nyeko said the donation will support research, teaching, and learning activities at the university.

Brian Masiga, the Head of Networks at RENU, who represented the CEO of RENU delivered the equipment.

Prof. Openjuru L. George the Vice-Chancellor of Gulu University said RENU has demonstrated a true spirit of partnership and said in the long term the support would make the planning for Open Distance, Electronic, and Lifelong Learning which is in the pipeline a big success.

After the delivery, Perez Matsiko, the Gulu University Chief ICT, assisted in enrolling both students and staff on Eduroam applications for the Internet, emphasizing the transition towards electronic learning. Gulu University is one of the public universities in Uganda.

About RENU

Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU) is a not-for-profit National Research and Education Network (NREN) that offers affordable services uniquely designed to enable collaboration among its member institutions and their global partners.

The network is a cooperatively owned and community-driven service provider that helps to facilitate research and education networking among its member institutions through interconnecting them with other research and education networks as well as to the commercial Internet worldwide, thereby overcoming the traditionally high costs of information and knowledge sharing and exchange.

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