Social and Behavior Change Communication Officer at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF)

About US:

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) seeks to end pediatric HIV/AIDS through research, advocacy, and prevention and treatment programs We are a global leader in the fight against pediatric HIV and AIDS, working in 15 countries and at 7,000 sites around the world to prevent the transmission of HIV to children, and to help those already HIV infected. Today, because of the highly successful work of the Foundation and its partners over the last 25 years, pediatric AIDS has been virtually eliminated in the United States and new infections in children have declined by 58% worldwide.

Job Summary: The Social and Behaviour Change Communication Officer will provide professional support services in Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) at the project, district, health facility and community level, including implementing and monitoring the execution of USAID RHITES-SW project communication strategies and campaigns, guided by the SBCC Strategy. S/he will play a leading role in the implementation of the SBCC interventions at the decentralized level. S/he will be working closely with District Health Educators, SBCC agents at the community level and other stakeholders at both district and community level to promote the adoption of health practices and creating demand for HIV prevention, care and treatment services, Maternal Neonatal and Child Health services, family planning, nutrition and malaria.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:  

  • Lead the implementation and monitoring of the demand creation and SBCC work plans in the districts of support.
  • Participate in the development of the district and site work plans and ensure that the SBCC and demand creation activities are well integrated in line with the project SBCC strategy.
  • Actively participate in mapping of communities that are underserved or hotspots and micro-target them for enhanced integrated health services uptake.
  • Actively participate in the development and distribution of SBCC/IEC collateral, materials and services.
  • Lead the process of selecting and orienting SBCC agents and other key stakeholders at the community level in increase adoption of health practices and demand for integrated health services.
  • Co-ordinate the concept testing and pre-testing of all communication materials that are developed.
  • Work in liaison with the supervisor, develop and oversee dissemination of SBCC messages and campaign materials, training/capacity building of other staff and oversight of SBCC activities.
  • Execute the project’s communication campaigns, i.e. Above-The-Line (mass media) communication, Community Interpersonal communication, and Social Media communication campaigns.
  • Disseminate targeted communication materials that increase public knowledge about benefits of adhering to healthy behaviours, and carry out community sensitization campaigns for targeted beneficiaries.
  • Assist the demand creation advisor in supervision and monitoring of ongoing function and technical trouble-shooting for integral services, such as mass media activities.
  • Working with the M&E staff and SBCC Manager to monitor and evaluate the progress and impact of SBCC activities.
  • Assisting in documenting project results and impacts in various forms, including media stories, lessons learned, case studies, client satisfaction, and other areas, and contributing to regular quarterly and annual reporting.
  • Utilize communication and branding guidelines in the day-to-day implementation of integrated project communication activities and results-oriented interventions, monitor progress, and ensure adherence to set guidelines.
  • Work closely with the respective District Local Governments, VHTs, and key partners to ensure that Above-The-Line (mass media) communication, Community Interpersonal communication, and Social Media Communication campaigns and interventions are effectively and efficiently implemented in the targeted districts.
  • Prepare and send weekly, monthly and quarterly progress reports on the project’s communication activities.
  • Prepare and send periodic status reports to the supervisor for project monitoring and evaluation.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The applicants should hold Bachelor’s Degrees in social sciences, Public Health or Mass Communication, or other related degree.
  • Possession of Post Graduate training in health communication will be an added advantage.
  • A minimum of four years’ relevant experience working in public health communication programming for development/humanitarian projects/programs in a donor environment, in managing social behavior change communication campaigns, and in monitoring public health communication-related projects of similar scope in a social marketing field.
  • Demonstrated handling of BCC interventions and hands-on experience in driving targeted SBCC campaigns, and in communication stakeholder management, digital marketing tools, and social media is essential.
  • Ability to translate technical material for programming through various media channels, including broadcast and mobile technology-based media.
  • Ability to coach, mentor and develop technical capacity in national programs and technical staff
  • Excellent written and verbal communication or interpersonal skills is a must.
  • Good analytical skills and ability to support a cross section of frontline health workers
  • Ability and willingness to travel within the supported districts in South West Uganda.

How to Apply

All candidates should send their applications with cover letters and updated CVs to:

The Senior Human Resources Manager

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF)

Plot 15, Kitante Close

P.O. Box 21127

Kampala, Uganda

NB: The cover letter and CV should submit as one file in pdf format through this link, Click Here

Deadline: 21st February 2020

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