Students to cane guards.

By Denis Bakampemukira.

When a night guard attached to one of the varsity hostels took countless packets of wine recently, he couldn’t hold his gun right. He instead started shooting aimlessly in the air. The students and neighboring residents were shocked at this man when he continued pulling the trigger of the gun and shot aimlessly. Lucky enough no one was injured. Investigations into the cause of this scandal are ongoing. The Campus Times has however learnt that some of these guards do not know how to use the guns.

The guards have since been blamed for neglect of duty especially at night. “Most of these gaurds always doze off at night leaving their guns unattended to”, a student complained.

Students are asking the manager of the hostel to change the security guards due to their incompetence. Students have promised to cane these guards if they happen to behave in this reckless manner again.

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