The 14 reliable contraceptive methods that campus girls can use

The 14 reliable contraceptive methods that campus girls can use
Love is really a feeling, though most campus students are more scared of conceiving than acquiring HIV Aids
Love is really a feeling, though most campus students are more scared of conceiving than acquiring HIV Aids

The Campus Times found out that most campus students are more scared of conceiving than acquiring HIV Aids.

But in this dot com era, we no longer expect campus students to get unplanned and unwanted pregnancies that will keep them worrying and at the end get retakes.

There are different types of contraceptive methods today that one can use to overcome unwanted pregnancies.

Among the 14 reliable methods, you can’t fail to identify the suitable one that can work for you best.

Ranking Contraceptive
1st equal The Pill, including the mini-Pill – 25 per cent.
1st equal The male condom – 25 per cent.
3rd Vasectomy – 11 per cent.
4th Female sterilisation – nine per cent.
5th The coil (intra-uterine deviceor IUD) – four per cent.
6th Withdrawal method – four per cent.
7th Variations of the rhythm method – three per cent.
8th equal The contraceptive injection (‘the Jab’) – two per cent.
8th equal Mirena (intra-uterine system or IUS) – two per cent.
10th equal The skin patch (Evra) – one per cent.
10th equal The cap or diaphragm – one per cent.
10th equal The implant – one per cent, but said to have become more popular in 2009 to 2012.
13th The female condom – less than one per cent.
14th The vaginal ring – less than one per cent.

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