The Campus Times Writing competition March -5th December 2015

The Campus Times Writing competition March -5th December 2015

The Campus Times is pleased to announce the first writing competition for students at institutions of higher learning. Best entries stand a chance of winning cash prizes of up to 1,000,000UGX, a tablet and a paid three months internship placement at Ultimate Multimedia Consult Limited, in addition to getting their stories published on

This competition is aimed at promoting and improving on the students’ writing, multimedia production and packaging skills as well as sharing and promotion of content in social media.

About The Campus Times; The Campus Times is a website for news, information and interaction on and about students and institutions of higher learning. Our goal is to keep you informed, entertain you and inform you about and on all that takes place on different universities and institutions of higher learning.


The articles can be journalistic writing, creative writing, poems, photos or video stories issues, events and people in your campuses.

Articles can be related to Education (you can write about lectures and lecturers and how lecturing is done, you can profile your best or worst lecturer, you can write about who is your hero when it comes to education, issues affecting your education etc.); Campus life style (relationships, fashion, hangout places, campus events, life in halls and hostels etc.); Health issues affecting students or health situation at institutions of higher learning; politics and leadership at your institution etc. Use of photos and videos in articles will be added advantage.

Rules and regulations;

  • Article Entries must be your original and unpublished elsewhere. Work that has appeared on the internet is considered published and is ineligible.
  • You provide your real name, age, phone contact, course and institution
  • All entries must be submitted by Email at or
  • Written articles should be in Microsoft word. Please use the font size of 12, in Times new roman and 1.5 spacing.
  • Photos preferable in JPEG; Videos in MP4, mov, wmv while audio in mp3
  • One person can submit up to 10 stories in each quarter (1500 words maximum per article).
  • After your article is published, it will only be considered for the award if it attracts a readership of at least 500 people. As such, you are encouraged to write interesting articles and share your article widely to increase reach.
  • Contest winners will be contacted directly by either email or telephone on +256414593555/+256312283883 or / or
  • Selecting the best story will be based on two forums; the readers vote and the judges’ vote. The readers vote will constitute 40%, this means that writers will have to promote their articles on social media through liking or sharing the article which will be posted on the campus times Facebook page and the judges’ verdict will constitute 60%. The story with the highest number of likes, shares and comments has higher chances of winning.
  • All winners will be interviewed and their profiles published on the Campus Times website. (

Quarterly Awards 2015:

Overall winner      200,000/=

Runner up 1st         100,000/=

                 2nd       50,000/=

Annul winner

Winner: Paid three months Internship at UMC

Runner up: Yaaka Tablet (8MP, Android 4.2, duo core, RAM 500)

For more information contacts


Promotions and Communications manager

Ultimate multimedia consults limited


Tel   : 256784300556 OR

Philemon Badagawa

Content manager the Campus Times

Ultimate Multimedia consults limited

Email :

Tel     : 256774607886

The Campus Times Writing Competition 2015

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