The Run for girl child education initiative at IUIU Females’ campus- kabojja

The Run for girl child education initiative at IUIU Females’ campus- kabojja

Due to the high rate of female student drop out in universities across Uganda which is a significant challenge that can be attributed to socio-cultural, financial and environmental factors, the Islamic university in Uganda Female’s campus came up with an initiative the run for girl child education in 2022.

“After working with the females’ campus, I feel a lot of pain when a look at a girl failing to complete her studies because of the difficulties in life because now girls are part of me, so I decided to start up this initiative the run for girl education to help girls complete their university studies especially here at females’campus” Mr Afan the marketing director IUIU Female’s campus and organiser of the run said.

In the picture below is Mr Afan Balegeya the marketing director of IUIU Female’s campus and the organiser of the run for girl education initiative

Mr Afan Balegeya the marketing director of IUIU Female’s campus and the organiser of the run

The aim of the run was to support 352 underprivileged female students by raising ugx 565,000,000(five hundred and sixty five million Ugandan shillings through this event.

In return, the initiative collected a total of 8,000,000 and benefited 8 students. This initiative changed mindsets, increased awareness and sensitized the masses to acknowledge and address the challenges faced by a girl child. The total number of participants was 923.

This time round, the Islamic university in Uganda Female’s campus has come up with the second edition of the run for girl child education which will happen on June 11th 2023 starting at 7:00am-12:00pm to raise awareness and funds to support education for underprivileged girls in our community.

“Am a mother and I know how painful it is when you fail to raise tuition for your daughter who want to study and that’s why I am among those who push this run for girl education initiative to the climax so that even the government of Uganda can see us and give us scholarships as done to other institutions so that we can help the girl child to study” Dr Madinah Nabukeera the director of IUIU Female’s campus said.

In the picture below, is Dr Madinah Nabukeera the director of IUIU Female’s campus addressing the results from the run for girl education first edition and campaigning for the second edition.

Dr. Madinah Nabukeera the director of IUIU Female’s campus

In conclusion, the administration of Islamic university in Uganda Female’s campus invite all people to join them in their effort to support the underprivileged girls because the objective of this run is to promote inclusivity in education for all and contribute to national development by addressing cultural and societal factors that contribute to the increased number of university dropouts among female students.

Kits for the second edition are available at all IUIU campuses
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