To Change the world, first change the “main in the mirror”

To Change the world, first change the “main in the mirror”

Dwelling on Michael Jackson’s inspirational song “Man in the mirror” composed in the 80’s, if you concentrate on the whole world to change you will get nothing. But it is important that if you, want to make a change in the world, you have to start with you first.

In our Ugandan arena concerning political campaigns of (school prefects, university honourables, private and government officials), contesters seem to promise fundamental changes at times are unmeasurable. The question remains to this song’s lyrics to whether “for once in my life am going to feel real good to make a difference”.

In a fight against ego changes, some of us may not realize that when we say that to change a situation you got to first change yourself. Like Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world” and that is how you can make an impact.

Just as this song opens up with a decision being taken of making a change. That is equivalent to a moment when you are so fed up, that you finally decide enough is enough! You should be able to take decisions like this in your life. Put yourself in position to do so by analyzing the results you’re getting. If you aren’t getting any near, make that change, take that decision. Just try it today, at least once! And;

“It all starts with a decision and a thought, than comes execution: I’m going to change,      make a difference, make it right!”

It is very hard to remain aloof in life because at a certain moment when it will be people who matter to you getting trapped then you will have to proclaim enough is enough, then change the man in the mirror. When you ask yourself “Who am I to be blind?” it shows you no matter who you are you have to care about others, no one is free from it, embrace it.

The libertarian thought of being aloof may not help because everyone from our pre-primary, primary, secondary, tertiary and university levels of academics have got to sing a common slogan ‘if you do not want change, change will change you’. This means approximately that if you do not want to change your attitudes as we used to refer to this in terms of adolescence, life disputes won’t live you indifferent. These disputes will always ignite in us a fire to transform our thoughts then drive this we have perceived to accomplishment.

Enjoy the late Michael Jackson’s poem;

Oh no, no no
I’m gonna make a change
It’s gonna feel real good!
Chime on!

Just lift yourself
You know You’ve got to stop it
(Yeah! Make that change!)
I’ve got to make that change, today!
(Man in the mirror)

You got to
You got to not let yourself
(Yeah! Make that change!)
You know, I’ve got to get
That man, that man
(Man in the mirror)

You’ve got to move! Chime on!
Chime on!
You got to
Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!
(Yeah! Make that change)
Stand up and lift yourself, now!
(Man in the mirror)
You know it!
You know it!
You know it!
You know it

This song combines a beautiful message with superb rhythm and melody, enjoy it on


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