The Vice Chancellor of Uganda Pentecostal University (UPU) has been sacked over mismanagement of the institution.
Prof. John Ntambirweki is allegedly accused of lack of respect for the board, other organs and staff members of the University, Insubordination and usurping the powers of other organs of the university.
According to a letter dated 2nd September 2015 signed by Nester Byamugisha, the Vice Chairperson Board of Governors UPU, the Board of Directors UPU at its meeting held at UPU Kampala Study Center Rubaga on 1st Sept 2015 unanimously resolved that Ntabirweki’s services with the University be terminated with immediate effect.
The letter also states that Ntambirweki failed to present university status report, wrongful refusal to issue graduation certificates, total failure to give accountability with regard to the state of the university, threatening violence and death to staff and various board members.
During a press conference held at Uganda Pentecostal University, Balikudembe Kijeru the Chairperson board alleged that Ntambirweki has been indiscipline and his irresponsible behavior has resulted into failure to promote and preserve the good name and image of the university, influencing and preventing members of the board and university council from meeting, Absenting himself from the board meetings without any reasonable notice.
He says Ntambirweki has also failed to pay staff salaries, unilateral and arbitrary dismissal of staff members, failure to manage and supervise financial and other affairs of the university, generally conduct unbecoming of a Vice Chancellor, using vulgar and abusive language against board members, staff and students.
Efforts to talk to Prof. John Ntambirwekie were fruitless by the time this was published.
Who is Prof. John Ntambirweki

Prof. Ntambirweki has been serving as Vice Chancellor, Uganda Pentecostal University in Fort Portal for 10 years.
He is also a consultant with international organizations like UNDP, FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, IUCN, UNECA, ACTS, GTZ, DANIDA, and IDRC in Africa.
He holds a Master of Laws degree (LLM) from the University of Nairobi.
He has a wealth of experience working with Government agencies in many African countries and many international organizations.
He has vast experience working on many national, regional and international issues and brings with him vast intellectual experience to the Board.