Uganda Technology and Management University Launches Economics Club

Uganda Technology and Management University Launches Economics Club

In a bid to nurture economists with the ability to provide solutions to real life economic scenarios, the School of Business and Management (SBM) at Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) has launched an Economics Club.

According to Faith Ahabyoona Mugisha, a Lecturer in SBM, the idea of starting up an Economics club is to share economics-related information, analysis of current economic trends, enable students to be stretcher holders of their fellow students’ academic burden and make a positive contribution in solving global economic crises.

“We want students to have a platform to discuss and freely share information regarding programmes in Economics. This we believe will make learning more interesting, build confidence amongst students as well as challenge them to apply the economic concepts in real life scenarios”, she revealed.

She noted that students need to comprehend concepts in economics to prepare them for a challenging and dynamic work environment as well have the ability to figure out solutions for problems like the rising rate of unemployment and the cost of living.

During the launch, various students discussed economic concepts covered during the semester including utility, production and market structures among others. The club among other activities will conduct bi-monthly seminars as well as create a sense of togetherness among students.

The School of Business and Management currently offers several programmes in the discipline of Economics and since student numbers increased significantly, the school thought the club would go a long way in broadening student’s perceptions and knowledge about economics.

She noted that the Economics Club will also foster meaningful connections between leading professionals in the discipline of Economics in Uganda and students as well as encourage dialogue on important economic and social issues intended groom the next generation of business oriented citizens.

“We shall be inviting celebrated professionals in the field of economics from time to time to share their experiences and inspire our students. Understanding economics has become very important lately. We strongly encourage everyone to join the Economics club to enhance their knowledge in economics”, she disclosed.

The Economics club attempts to take an active and a leading role in education in the SBM at UTAMU by providing the most efficient and effective educational activities to guide the student and shed the lights on economics.

“We intend to increase student awareness about the importance of business to Uganda’s economy to level up students’ analytical and critical thinking skills and develop their potentials and capabilities.

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