Uganda Wins First Match in the World University Netball Championship

Uganda Wins First Match in the World University Netball Championship
21 and 34 were scored by Shooter Sharifa Nalunkuuma and goal attacker Irene Eyaru who also doubles as the team captain respectively which put Uganda 55-9 at half time.
The reminder of the goals were scored by shooter Mary Nuba and goal attacker Victor Nantumbwe who scored 15 and 32 goals respectively. However, a lot of chances were misused by this duo.

Team captain, Eyaru is very hopeful for the best out of her team.

“The start has not been bad and we expect to go on and win the remaining fixtures,” she observed.
Other players that put up a brilliant show were Joan Nampungu in wing defence and Betty Kizza in the centre, who was later replaced by Joyce Nakibuule in the third quarter.

The U.S.A team is at a disadvantage as it also lost the first match to defending champions South Africa 115 -05 earlier in the day.

Monday’s result

South Africa 115 -5 USA
Zimbabwe 44 -31 Sri Lanka
Singapore 39 -38 Kenya
Uganda 102 -16 USA

Tuesday fixture 
Uganda vs Kenya 10am
South Africa vs Sri Lanka 12pm
Zimbabwe vs USA 2pm
Uganda vs Singapore 4pm

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