UNSA President dozes off while being sworn in

UNSA President dozes off while being sworn in

 UNSA President,Ferix Safiri Kayihura surprised the voters when he could not open his eyes during the swearing in ceremony recently.

After spending sleepless nights soliciting for votes from UNSA delegates, the tired ladies’ president dozed off  with a holy Bible in his hand while he was being sworn in by UNSA speaker,Akena Allan, from Kyambogo University.

Delegates were however  not shocked  by his actions since voting ended in the lee hours of the night. But others wondered whether he is a true patriotic carder who has ever done a cadre training.

Perhaps his closed alley, the Kyambogo university Guild Vice President,Macklean , who is also serving as UNSA finance minister knows better.

Because she supported Kayihura to the extent of attempting to censor her boss, Buni Christopher, the Guild President of Kyambogo on allegations of embezzlement.

Your excellence, the flock  that you are representing is waiting for  what you promised to deliver. Anyway,Kudos for struggling “paka last” that you can even be sworn in while asleep.

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