WeTech Seed Fund for Women and Girls in Computer Science

WeTech Seed Fund for Women and Girls in Computer Science
Makerere University Library Computer Lab, Women ICT
Makerere University Library Computer Lab, Women ICT

Women Enhancing Technology (WeTech) <http://www.iie.org/Programs/WeTech> helps women and girls
enter and succeed in technical careers, with the goal of enhancing women’s talent and skills needed to fuel technological and economic growth. WeTech, a Clinton Global Initiative commitment, is led by the Institute of International Education (IIE)<http://www.iie.org/> and implemented with a consortium of dedicated partners to support innovative activities, training, build networks and offer professional opportunities for women and girls in tech.

In December 2013, WeTech is launching a Seed Fund in Africa that will provide small grants to support individuals or civil society organizations to launch or expand initiatives for women and girls that increase their access to computer science-related training, jobs and leadership roles.

WeTech is very interested in learning about your successful activities currently supporting women and girls in Computer Science and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and how we might
support expansion and impact. We are also eager to hear your new, innovative ideas for programming in this space.

Please help WeTech by sharing your opinion, experience and ideas in this survey<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2WVJGFV> by December 9th. By completing this survey you will receive information in December about the WeTech Seed Fund application as soon as it goes live.

To apply for a WeTech Seed Fund grant applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Current resident of an African country (including North and Sub-Saharan Africa)
  • Application must be submitted in English
  • Applying as an individual (at least 18 years of age), or a representative of a non-governmental organization (NGO) or social enterprise based in Africa
  • Ability to demonstrate previous experience conducting activities supporting women and girls in computer science or STEM fields
  • Commitment to developing and contributing to a virtual community for WeTech Seed Fund grantees
  • Demonstrated leadership potential (references will be required)
  • Proposed projects MUST have a tangible impact for women and girls in computer science and/or STEM- related fields

Preference will be given to projects that target under-served populations and locations, take a collaborative approach, have a high potential for growth and present an innovative use of technology.

Projects eligible for grant funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Computer science workshops and trainings for women and girls
  • Early incubation of female tech entrepreneurs
  • Programming and app development training programs
  • Speakers bureaus, role model and mentoring programs
  • Networking events for women in computer science or STEM fields
  • Community participation in ITU’s Girls in ICT Day <http://girlsinict.org/how-organize-girls-ict-day>
  • Community education to generate support for computer science or STEM-related careers among parents and educators
  • Hackathons and coding camps for girls
  • Sponsorship of a Technovation Challenge<http://iridescentlearning.org/programs/technovation-challenge/> team

December 9, 2013: WeTech survey closes
December 18, 2013: WeTech Seed Fund Online Application opens
January 15, 2013: WeTech Seed Fund Application Deadline
March 1, 2013: Round One of WeTech grants announced

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