500 Makerere students risk missing graduation

500 Makerere students risk missing graduation
Image result for Dr Robert Wamala dean of students
Dr. Robert Wamala, Dean of School of Statistics and Planning, Makerere University (FILE PHOTO)

The lecturers accuse Dr Robert Wamala of mismanagement, under performance, corruption and dismissing staff without following rules and regulation.

However, Dr Wamala said his term of office as dean is still running and challenged his opponents to follow laid down rules and regulations.

In 2017, 31 of the 47 lecturers petitioned the Makerere University Council to have Dr. Wamala handover his office duties.

The 500 students are undergraduates offering courses in Statistics, Actuarial Sciences, Quantitative Economics, Business Statistics, and Population Sciences.

The university through their legal team has requested the lecturers who had signed the petition to furnish copies of their university identification cards and mobile phone numbers within seven days, but the lecturers reportedly declined following advice by their lawyers.

Dr Eria Hisali, Cobams college principle wrote a letter to Dr. Wamala on August 24, instructing him to handover to Ms Agnes Ssekiboobo, who has been appointed to act in his place.

“The purpose of writing to you is to ask you to hand over office of the dean as well as all responsibilities associated with the office Monday. Arrangements will be made to get you a suitable office to enable you execute your duties. The college human resources officer is hereby directed to witness the hand over,” Dr. Hisali’s letter read.

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