African Rural University: Where girls are empowered for Rural Development Transformation

African Rural University: Where girls are empowered for Rural Development Transformation
Akello Jackline, the University Secretary, African Rural University and Acting Vice Chancellor.
Akello Jackline, the University Secretary, African Rural University and Acting Vice Chancellor.

African Rural University is taking the lead in rural transformation by empowering female students in Uganda with skills aimed at turning them into effective rural development specialists and change makers.

The university uses methodologies developed and proven to be effective by Rural Development and Training Programme (URDT) for close to 20 years, according to Akello Jackline, the Acting Vice Chancellor, African Rural University.

Akello who doubles as the university Secretary says their students are nurtured towards transforming local communities and improving people’s lives by not only solving current problems but also creatively planning for the future for sustainable development.

African Rural University focuses on the development of rural young women’s visionary leadership in recognition that it’s the foundation for the transformation of rural communities and the realization of their full potential.

No wonder African Rural University is the only women’s university in East Africa.

“We needed a customized programme for female graduates who could become change makers in the communities they leave in through centres of excellence at the different sub-counties”, Akello says.

Akello notes that for development to kick off in the communities, there must be a structural shift from one where people merely react to problems as they occur to one in which they themselves are the creators of the events in their lives.

The university involves students in community service-learning experiences by drawing on a wealth of traditional wisdom.

She says students do their internship with the local governments through the sub-counties where they generate information and knowledge that becomes the basis of the University’s research applied learning.

She adds that the university’s curriculum is developed to empower students with a wide range of skills that allow them to effectively conduct community development planning.

Unlike most universities that aim at getting as many students as they can, African Rural University is more interested in producing quality graduates than the numbers.

Because of this, African Rural University only admits 30 female students annually for the 2 degree courses that are currently being offered.

“We take pride in a high quality and hands-on educational experience, so the small number allows us to produce the best because individual attention is easily extended to each student by the trainers for effective learning”, Akello proudly says.

She adds that during projects and the internships, each student is assigned a supervisor which enables constant interactions throughout the placements between the student, supervisor and community.

RELATED STORIES: Courses offered at African Rural University

Call for applications for September 2015/2016 intake at African Rural University

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  1. Pingback: African Rural University holds public lecture on creating sustainable change | The Campus Times

  2. Pingback: African Rural University holds public lecture on creating sustainable change | The Campus Times

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