Al Hajj Nadduli’s son found dead at his home

Al Hajj Nadduli’s son found dead at his home

Jakana Nadduli, the son of renowned NRA historical Al Hajj Abdul Nadduli, has reportedly been found dead at his home.

Jakana, 37, has been a resident of Nakasero zone in Wobulenzi town.

Jakaana suffered an accident in March of this year that nearly claimed his life. Multiple operations were performed on him.

Jakana Nadduli Sulaiman contestes in last year’s election, but failed to take Nakaseke Central MP seat.He was kidnapped in September and held incommunicado for a number of days. Later he was produced before a court in Luwero and remanded to Butuntumula prison where he spent several weeks

Jakana Naduli had recently been released from prison. He was battling charges of promoting sectarianism.

David Lewis Rubongoya, secretary general of opposition party NUP, this morning tweeted that, “We’ve woken up to the terrible news of the untimely passing of our brother Jakaana Nadduli.
The family says he was found dead at his home, a few days after he was released from prison. I spoke to him Saturday and he sounded fine. Terrible news. Inna lillahi wa inallah-e-raji’oon.”
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