American Rapper Snoop Dogg, Recognized with the 2,651st Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

American Rapper Snoop Dogg, Recognized with the 2,651st  Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Dalvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. known professionally as Snoop Dogg, is an American rapper, singer-songwriter, record producer, television personality, entrepreneur, and actor. His music career began in 1992.

A 16-time Grammy nominee, received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Monday, four days before the 25th anniversary of the release of his debut album “Doggystyle.”

Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, record producer Quincy Jones and the rapper Dr. Dre were among those attending the ceremony in front of the El Capitan Entertainment Center on Hollywood Boulevard where Kimmel’s show is taped.

After thanking friends and family, Snoop Dogg ended his acceptance speech by quipping, “I want to thank me.”

“I want to thank me for believing in me,” he said. “I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I want to thank me for having no days off. I want to thank me for never quitting. I want to thank me for always being a giver, and trying to give more than I receive. I want to thank me for trying to do more right than wrong. I want to thank me for just being me at all times.Congratulation to Snoop Dogg , family ,friends and fans

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