Apply for 50 Scholarships at University of Kisubi

Apply for 50 Scholarships at University of Kisubi


Pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Education has been made a lot easier and all those interested in becoming science secondary teachers should read this article very carefully.

The Government of Uganda has on several occasions explicitly expressed her interest in Science Education. Science is the backbone of innovation, and the only way Uganda can break the barrier of backwardness, is through innovation. President Yoweri Museveni has said that the National Resistance Movement government has put science education, scientific research and innovation high on its priorities and pledged that government will continue putting more resources into the sector because of its importance to national development.

President Yoweri Museveni has assured Head teachers that the salaries of science teachers are to be increased with immediate effect while the remunerations of head teachers and their deputies would be slightly higher than what science teachers will get. He also revealed that in the coming years, salaries of arts teachers would be increased gradually.

Why is Science so important?

  1. A basic human motivator is to try to understand WHY. Why did something happen? How does something work? Curiosity about the world around us, about what makes it and us TICK is at the foundation of invention, of creativity. Teaching science well can nurture that curiosity, can satisfy some of that yearning to understand WHY. Understanding why a year is what it is for us on planet Earth feels good. Understanding how organisms are all connected by the long thin thread of evolutionary change gives depth to our sense of stewardship of the Earth.
  2. Having a methodology to turn our native curiosity into knowledge gives us the power and possibility of invention, of finding solutions to problems.
  3. A knowledge and love of science is the ultimate equalizer, the pathway to human rights and a better quality of life. Countries with strongly supported science programs are better off economically have greater numbers of people creating new technologies.
  4. Our knowledge of how and why things are the way they are in the natural world is our greatest natural resource, second only to water. The way we acquire that knowledge and understanding, called the scientific method, is not difficult, nor does not require memorizing a list of words: observations, hypothesis, experimentation, interpretation. These are simply ways we go about learning.

It is upon such a background that the University of Kisubi has offered bursaries to prospective science students for the academic year 2018/2019. The tuition bill for a Bachelor of Science in Education is UGX 1,760,000, but the University has offered about 60% bursary and they will be required to pay UGX 1,000,000 as tuition fees. This offer is open to the first 50 students to enroll, please move fast in order not to miss out on this opportunity.

For further enquiries please call 0312 225 400/0752 499 980/0772 444 039

Written by the University Communications Officer

Kisirikko Christine

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