Area Programme Coordinator Job – World Vision International

Job Title:    Area Programme Coordinator (2 NGO Jobs) 

Organisation: World Vision International

Duty Station: Kiboga and Busia, Uganda

Reports to: Project Manager

About US:

World Vision Uganda (WVU) is a Christian relief, development and advocacy non-government organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. We currently work in 43 districts and have 48 Area Programmes implementing projects in health & nutrition, water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH), livelihoods & resilience, education and child protection. World Vision (WV) is committed to the protection of children and adult beneficiaries from exploitation and abuse and will not employ people whose background is not suitable for working with these beneficiaries. All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background checks, including criminal record checks where possible.

Job Summary:  The Area Program Coordinator will manage the operations of the Area Programme, including planning implementation, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

Quality Technical programs and projects designed and effectively and efficiently implemented

  • Area Program Plans (AOP, DIPs/cash flows/ITTs) designed and scoring 80% and approved by 31st July
  • 95% of outputs indicators are achieving targets by 30th of September
  • Annual report submitted with quality and scoring 80% quality scores.
  • Semiannual report for AP written and scoring 80% quality performance by 30th April
  • A pull out of all milestone activities that lead to outputs in the AP are extracted and tracked monthly together with output targets.
  • Generate a list of the MV Households and Children to inform implementation

Engagement & Advocacy

  • Support Evidence based local and National level advocacy influencing polices, practices and systems/structures for sustainable development
  • One Sub-county dialogue meeting in the AP conducted in line with  issues generated from CVA engagements on child wellbeing issues and one report shared with PM-It takes a world
  • Evidence of working with the local churches on supporting the Most Vulnerable in at least 2 issues of Ending child marriage and ending Violence in schools
  • One sub county Recommitment event on the it takes a world Campaign with clear documentation in place.
  • One By-law/ordinance or petition initiated/passed/followed up for implementation around CWB in the AP.
  • Evidence of CSDF as an active member of the sub county TPC with quarterly reports to the PM on all TPC engagements.
  • Area program engagement with other CBO’s/CSOs for child wellbeing conducted, documented and shared for advocacy and engagement on CWBO’s

Sustainable Impact

  • Mobilize Children and Empower Communities for sustainable development
  • 4 Quarterly Sub County joint monitoring and discussion conducted in the AP and reports shared with the PM
  • Household clusters established and functional
  • 100% functionality of all initiatives (S4T, COVA, TFE, Child Development and participation centers, Energy saving stoves, and a documentation of success in each to inform programming
  • 4 quarterly children’s parliament’s functional with evidence of engagement with local leaders and influencing decisions.
  • All sub county CDPPs reviewed and approved and informing Plans
  • Climate change messages shared with the communities in AP community in local language on a quarterly basis.
  • Quarterly engagements with RC guardians on program implementation and key CWB issue status and action points shared with the PM

Urgency for Execution

  • Improved timeliness and communication of Programmes information for better decision making
  • 100% of all monthly activities for the TPs implemented for all the 12 months evidenced by the monthly reports.
  • All outputs attaining quarterly targets of more than 90% with evidence of discussion with stakeholders.
  • 12 monthly management report produced and submitted to PM by 14th of every month
  • Community assets monitoring conducted in the cluster on quarterly basis and four quarterly community assets monitoring reports shared with the PM per quarter
  • Monthly Budget utilization kept within +/-10% variance for 12 months.

Talent Management

  • Competent program teams nurtured and motivated to deliver on strategy
  • 100% Performance Reviews for all Project Officers in the AP completed and submitted to PM by 20th March  and 15th Sep
  • Evidence of Monthly TEECAP nominations in the AP
  • Quarterly Documented evidence of Continuous capacity building for Technical Project Officers and partners to implement the National strategy and alignment to our promise.
  • End of contracts completed and approved by PM at least 2 months to end of contract
  • Project Officers and Sponsorship Operation Officer capacity for partnership and community engagement built with evidence of good performance in place
  • Evidence of Christianity growth and practice for staff and supervisees

Learning & Application

  • Effective, functional M&E , learning system established and informing programming
  • Documentation of CDPCs impact in the AP done
  • An activity file for each project in the AP kept up-to-date and physically available and stored in a secure place.
  • A monthly output monitoring report with evidence of data collection tools kept and filed in a secure place.
  • Quality AP Annual /semiannual report written and submitted to support office and achieving 80% pass score.
  • 100% functionality of M&E database in the AP for all projects and evidence of data validation and sharing with stakeholders in place every quarter.
  • 12 success stories compiled and submitted along with the monthly report to the PM, one per month.

Systems Strengthening

  • Established operating system that leverages increased yield to community through cost effective programs and resource mobilization
  • The AP ensuring compliance and alignment with WV standards, policies, guidelines,
  • AP has risk register which is updated quarterly and the updates reported in MMR
  • AP audit not registering any major audit issue that puts the cluster at unacceptable rating
  • Sponsorship operations effectively managed at the AP
  • Evidence on monthly sponsorship meetings with Staff and COVAs
  • Sponsorship SOIs maintained in green
  • Evidence of discussion on child wellbeing reports, draw actions and take action on child wellbeing issues
  • Evidence of integrated monitoring plans and implementation.
  • 100% delivery of APRs and Christmas cards as per national standards.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The applicant for the World Vision Area Program Coordinator job must hold a University Degree in Social Science, Agriculture, Development Studies, Education or any relevant field.
  • Post Graduate Qualification in Project Planning and Management is a Must.
  • At least five years’ experience facilitating community development in sectors of Health, Livelihood, Education and Child Protection.
  • Experience working with local partners and District Local Governments in all sectors and Community Based Services.
  • Must be willing to be based in local settings
  • Ability to establish and maintain conducive collegial relations and perform effectively as a member of a team.
  • Knowledge of local language of Area of posting
  • Excellent planning, coordination, and reporting skills with the ability to organize a substantial workload comprised of complex, diverse tasks and responsibilities.
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills including influencing, negotiation and coaching.
  • Excellent time management and planning capacity
  • Must be highly reliable and independent.
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision.
  • You must be able to ride a motor cycle with a clean riders’ license.
  • Networking and advocacy skills
  • Person of high integrity and willing to work with minimal supervision
  • Proven and solid experience and excellent skills in capacity building if systems, staff, partners and others actors related to child rights governance and child protection.
  • Experience of solving complex issues through analysis, definition of a clear way forward and ensuring buy in.
  • Strong results oriented, with ability to challenge existing mind sets

NB: The position is field based and requires ability to ride and willingness to travel to hard to reach field locations for project implementation and monitoring.

How to Apply:

All suitably qualified candidates are encouraged to submit your application and complete Curriculum Vitae by applying online through visiting World Vision International’s e-recruitment jobs portal at the web link below.

Click Here

Deadline: 4th May 2023

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