Barbra Namuli,Girl of the week

Girl of the week,Barbra Namuli
Girl of the week,Barbra Namuli

Barbra Namuli attended St.John’s SSS Bweyogerere before joining Nkumba University for her degree course. Barbra just cerebrated her birthday on 12th May.

Sorry to those who missed, just wait for next year’s birthday party to ask how young Barbra is.

But remember, to avoid being insulted by most ladies, never risk asking their age, because this will kill off the conversation on a date outing.

Barbra seems to be unique, once you show up on her next birthday, be assured of knowing how young or old she is.

Relationship.She whispered to Campus Times that real success is not an outward show but an inward feeling.

“It begins inside, and probably its first inkling is the feeling and the knowledge that is worth while”, that’s quite a good discovery from Barbra.

Those interested in whispering something, go slow. Barbara Namuli is in a relationship.

Interests. She is more interested in making friends, reading novels, listening to country music and rock and roll. She hates politics.

The challenge is in your hands, luck will depend on your choice of words and success will be at your door. …………there you go!!!!

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