Behind your success, there exists unsung heroes and heroines – Dr. Annie Begumisa

Behind your success, there exists unsung heroes and heroines – Dr. Annie Begumisa
Dr. Annie Begumisa is the School Registrar, Makerere University Business School (MUBS)
Dr. Annie Begumisa is the School Registrar, Makerere University Business School (MUBS)

Dr. Annie Begumisa’s massage to Makerere University Business School graduatesDear Graduates, It takes courage and planning to commence a journey in life. Once initiated, commitment, tact and focus take center stage for the journey to progress as planned and for you to arrive at the destination.

A year or two ago, you started a major journey in your life; a journey that culminates into this pleasant and joyous congregation which you are part of.

Your presence at this year’s graduation ceremony is testimony to the fact that you were steadfast in your unwavering commitment to pursue academic growth.

You couldn’t have made a better choice than to do this in MUBS where our passion is to enable the future of our clients. We believe that we have done our part in enabling your future through this occasion.

Like all journeys, there are bound to be obstacles along the way, some seemingly insurmountable. Taking a look around, you will notice that not all your colleagues with whom you started this journey are here.

While we sympathize with those who may not have made it due to unfavourable circumstances beyond their control, we are cognizant of the fact that there are those who had it within their means to achieve your feat but lost track and focus.

Your presence here today is a demonstration of the level of commitment you accorded to your studies. On a day like this, we can only say with pleasure, CONGRATULATIONS!

Behind your success today, there exist the unsung heroes and heroines. The people who gave it their all and made sacrifices you may never know in order to enable you achieve this dream. The people who stood by you through thick and thin and these are the parents/guardians/benefactors.

We are glad that you did not lay their efforts to waste. Your graduation today is a powerful way of saying thank you to them.

We join you in extending our appreciation to all the parents who we consider to be partners in developing the young generation.

University graduates of MUBS 2015.
University graduates of MUBS 2015.

You are now well nurtured to go out there and put the skills and knowledge you have acquired to good use for the development of the nation. Let me hasten to add that as we celebrate, today also marks an important point in your career path.

It is a point at which you should ponder on whether this achievement of today is an end in itself or it is the start of another journey.

The world of work out there presents many challenges which you should prepare for adequately. One way to do that is to set your sights and embark on the next journey to acquire a higher qualification.

You made it at this level and I am confident you can make it at the next too. You do not have to look any further to enhance your qualification, we will warmly welcome you back to MUBS.

Once again, congratulations to all of you our dear graduates. We wish you the very best in all your future endeavours.

Dr. Annie Begumisa is the School Registrar, Makerere University Business School (MUBS)

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