Businessman dies during sex with lover

Businessman dies during sex with lover

A promising businessman has died while having sex in Arua- Northern Uganda.

According to police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, Ali Mustafa, aged 25 a businessman in Ozu  cell, Kenya ward in Arua District died after suffering from a respiratory problem during the love making session with his girl friend, Adania Rati.

The incident occured at Avenue lodge in Arua City at around 9pm. The victim collapsed and died in the room,” Enanga said.

“We picked the body and later transferred it to Arua Referral Hospital and examined it. The postmortem established that the man developed a respiratory failure due to obstruction of air ways during the love making session,”Enanga said.

“The girlfriend was therefore cleared of any wrongdoing.”

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He noted that the postmortem indicated there was no trace of drugs, poison or other body influences .

According to him, Musstafa died on January 25 at around 9pm due to respiratory failure before his body was picked from the hotel room and taken for postmortem.
“Death during consensual sex can occur for a number of reasons, that include the physical strain of the activity or because of unusual extenuating circumstances,” SCP Enanga added.

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