Cherish her love before she is gone

Cherish her love before she is gone
Showing her love and care makes meaning in a relationship.
Showing her love and care makes meaning in a relationship.

Love Pains: Today she is crazy about you but maybe tomorrow she won’t be. Today she cares for you but maybe tomorrow she won’t.

And then she craves for your time and attention but maybe tomorrow she won’t even think about you for a love affair.

 A day will come when she will have had enough of crying for your love and chasing after you.

Trust me, she will slowly get over you and move on.

And then she will find someone who will gather her and love her with all her broken pieces and make her smile again. A man who will heal her hurting soul becomes Mr. Right.

He will be the man whom she will never give up on and she will love and respect him more than she loved you.

That day, you will realise that time never comes back for anyone and you will desperately wish you had let her have you.

You will wish you gave her your time and attention which she was craving for but that will be too late. So Cherish her love before she is gone

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