East Africa Social Science Translation-Research and Funding Opportunity

East Africa Social Science Translation-Research and Funding Opportunity

The East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Collaborative, jointly administered by the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley, and Makerere University in Uganda, is pleased to announce two exciting research and funding opportunities: (1) 2015 Evaluation Design Contest and (2) Fall 2015-Spring 2016 Visiting Fellowship!

Below is a brief summary description of each competition. For more information about the EASST program, please visit: http://easst-collaborative.org. All research and funding opportunities are posted to the Opportunities page of the EASST website: http://www.easst-collaborative.org/opportunities.html

(1) 2015 Evaluation Design Contest:

EASST will be awarding grants of up to U.S. $50,000 to fund evaluations of promising social or economic development projects in East Africa. Interested African researchers are invited to submit a two-page research evaluation design idea describing an existing or planned social or economic development project in East Africa, and an accompanying strategy for rigorously evaluating the impacts of the project.

Evaluation designs must include a well-articulated methodology (i.e., a randomized or quasi-experimental study) that clearly identifies treatment and comparison groups. Designs sent to EASST will be reviewed confidentially. The top ideas will be sent to CEGA faculty members with relevant research expertise (pending the approval of the proposal author). Matched pairs of African and U.S. researchers will then be asked to complete an application for grant funding.

A list of CEGA faculty members is online at http://cega.berkeley.edu/faculty/. Visit the Opportunities page of the EASST website to download the RFP for full details on how to apply. Submit your application file online at: http://tinyurl.com/Submittable-EASST-2015-EDC

**The deadline to submit to the 2015 EVALUATION DESIGN CONTEST is 11:59PM Pacific Time, 2 February 2015.**

(2) 2015-2016 Visiting Fellowship:

The EASST Visiting Fellowship seeks to equip East African social scientists with the skills needed to carry out rigorous evaluations of social or economic development projects in East Africa. During a four-month fellowship in the Fall (August-December 2015) or Spring (January-May 2016) semester, researchers will be based at the University of California, Berkeley. Selected fellows will be able to audit courses, present research, attend seminars, develop curricula and design collaborative research projects. Fellows will receive a living stipend, round-trip economy class air travel to Berkeley, CA, and the opportunity to receive seed funding promote impact evaluation at their home institution in East Africa. To be eligible, researchers must be residents of an East African country (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, or Uganda) and hold a staff or student position at a research institution, university, or other organization headquartered in East Africa. Please visit our website to see the backgrounds of past EASST scholars. Visit the Opportunities page of the EASST website to download the RFP for full details on how to apply. Submit your application file online at: http://tinyurl.com/Submittable-EASST-2015-VS.

**The deadline to apply for 2015-2016 VISITING FELLOWSHIP is 11:59PM Pacific Time, 31 March 2015.**

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact either Sarah White on sarahwhite@berkeley.edu or Jade Stone on jade.stone@berkeley.edu and copy info@ranlab.org

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