East Africa University Games 2022: Swimming And Rugby Winners

East Africa University Games 2022: Swimming And Rugby Winners

The 12th Eastern Africa University Games 2022 which is currently ongoing at Ndejje University, Bombo Uganda and will run up to 20th December 2022.

Eastern African Universities are competing in 20 sports disciplines including; Athletics- Track and Field, Badminton, Basketball, Chess, Handball, Hockey, Karate, Netball, Rugby, Scrabble, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tae Kwon Do, Tennis, Volleyball, Wood ball, Sport for PWD among others

Also read: 12th East Africa University Games 2022 Fixtures Match Day 4

A few games have been completed and here we take a look at winners of so far concluded sports.

Najuma of Ndejje university(middle) won men too in swimming competition

Swimming winners

Gold- Ndejje University

Silver- Kenyatta University

Bronze- MUBS

A MUBS swimmer being decorated by FEFAUS president Vincent

Rugby winners

Gold- Strathmore

Silver- Kyambogo University

Bronze- Makerere University

Kenyatta University students show off their medals
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