Fees for the different courses at Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development

Fees for the different courses at Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development
Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development
Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development

Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development is one of the oldest In-Service Training Institutes in Uganda.  The Institute offers a number of courses at different levels.

Fees Structure of Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development is as below:


Courses Tuition
1st semester
2nd semester
Tuition per year Estimated student’s field work allowance (PRIVATE)
1 BA. Social Development 700,000/= 700,000/=                                  700,000/=                                
Full time Diploma courses
Diploma in Social Work 444,000/= 400,000/= 844,000/= 575,000/=
Diploma in Development Studies 444,000/= 400,000/= 844,000/= 575,000/=
Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development 444,000/= 400,000/= 844,000/= 575,000/=
Diploma in Public Administration and Management 444,000/= 400,000/= 844,000/= 575,000/=
Diploma in Children, Youth and Development 444,000/= 400,000/= 844,000/= 575,000/=
Diploma in Guidance and counseling 444,000/= 400,000/= 844,000/= 575,000/=
Distance Learning Diploma courses
Diploma in Leadership and Good Governance 424,000/= 400,000/= 824,000/= 225,000/=
Diploma in Gender and Development 424,000/= 400,000/= 824,000/= 225,000/=
Diploma in Adult Education and Development 424,000/= 400,000/= 824,000/= 225,000/=
Diploma in Juvenile Justice 424,000/= 400,000/= 824,000/= 225,000/=
Fulltime Certificate Courses
Social Mobilization and Development (1 year) 424,000/= 355,000/= 779,000/= 575,000/=
Counseling and Guidance (1year) 424,000/= 355,000/= 779,000/= 575,000/=
Public Administration and  Management (1 year) 424,000/= 355,000/= 779,000/= 575,000/=
Child Protection (1 year) 424,000/= 355,000/= 779,000/= 575,000/=
Certificate courses for 3 months Tuition for 3 months Estimated student’s field work allowance (Private)
Management of Literacy and Adult Education 519,000/= 150,000/=
Social Gerontology 519,000/= 150,000/=
Project Planning & Management 519,000/= 150,000/=
Participatory Learning and Action 519,000/= 150,000/=
Solar Technology 500,000= 150,000/=
Computer Studies ( Two Months) 350,000/= 150,000/=
Child Care and Home Management (2 weeks) 300,000= 150,000/=


Rates   UG.SHS.
Application/Admission 20,000/= *Library fee (once a year) 10,000/=
Late Application 20,000/= *Student Guild fee (once a year) 20,000/= Payable to guild office
*Registration fee (p.a) 20,000/= *One Physical ream of photocopying paper ( p.a)
*Examination fee (p.a) 30,000/= National Council for Higher Education         20,000/= *Identity 10,000/=

All payments should be made to the Institute Bank Account Number: 0140026722201 – Stanbic Bank (except Guild fee)

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2 Responses to "Fees for the different courses at Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development"

  1. Gaali Yazidi   July 11, 2019 at 4:32 pm

    A certificate courses at 424,000 for the all year or one semester?

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  2. Ndibuuza Veronica   February 4, 2023 at 1:03 pm

    Halo my name is Veronica and I want to apply for a course of social work and social administration enlighten me

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