Government: Taxes on schools to improve quality of education

Though economic analysts have condemned the government’s move to levy new taxes on private education institutions according to the new budget read,  the minister of education says the taxes would improve the quality of education rather than raising the cost of education in the country.

“Funds accruing from these new taxes will be reverted to the national treasury and will impact on the budget of education and sports. They will be used to improve the quality of education in the country,” Jessica Alupo said.

Jessica Alupo was speaking at the opening of 2014 African regional conference on business and technical education in Kampala on Wednesday 18th.

According to the budget that was read by Finace minister, Maria Kiwanuka, the education sector was allocated sh1.69 trillion for 2014/2015 fiscal year.

Alupo added that schools should not hike fees because of the new tax.

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