His sweet words made me believe he loved me

His sweet words made me believe he loved me
I felt I was neglected. But love bells sounded again.
I felt I was neglected. But love bells sounded again.

His sweet words made me believe he loved me and of course, I fell in for that-No regrets, I thought and knew the sun would shine forever.

I did everything to please him, I went all out to prove my love for him, I sacrificed my life for him but he was too blind to see love.

The best he could tell me was how beautiful other girls were, how my hairstyles made him sick and complained about almost everything in my life.

I started feeling out of place and neglected because he told me that no guy would love me.

One day he told me, I was not the kind of girl he could get married to.

That broke me into pieces, I was at university by then and about to write my exams. I couldn’t study and I was even thinking death was the solution for me.

I stood in front of a mirror and I could see a beautiful woman, I pulled myself together, studied for my exams and I passed. Though I looked composed, I was crippled in the heart.

After my graduation, I got a cool job shortly. And later, love bells sounded once again and I landed my Mr. Right.

I have achieved many things since then that maybe I couldn’t have achieved if I was still with that looser.

We again met with the looser but he couldn’t believe what he saw, I took him to the best restaurant and paid all the bills.

  When time for saying goodbye came, he cried and said sorry but it was too late because I was swimming in a pool of success.

This is love life anyway.

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