‘I am the stone the builder refused’ Student writes in UACE exam

‘I am the stone the builder refused’ Student writes in UACE exam

The State Minister for Higher Education John Muyingo expressed concern as some candidates wrote worrying comments in the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) exams.

Muyingo noted that a student who scored zero in an exam asked “Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) not to waste its time on him.”

 “Dear Mr. Examiner, you are still wasting time on me when there are more serious candidates?” the student wrote.

The student added that “I am the stone the builder refused” then listed some famous musicians and their songs.

“When a candidate scores zero at this level, there are many questions that cross our mind. What does this mean to us as teachers? Is it the food they eat? Is it the teachers who failed this candidate or someone else?” Mr Muyingo wondered.

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