It's a holiday period but Makerere university main library is full with students

It's a holiday period but Makerere university main library is full with students
Makerere University Main Library.
Makerere University Main Library.

Established in 1949, Makerere University Library is the oldest academic library in Uganda.

It serves as the national reference library and legal deposit of all works published in Uganda. 

What you see in these photos is the new extension which was established in 2012.

The library houses over 30,000 students at the same time.

At 8AM on Wednesday, 7 January 2015, it’s a holiday period but you can

Makerere University Main Library.
Makerere University Main Library.
Makerere University Main Library.
Makerere University Main Library.

not tell because of the large numbers of both students and non students entering this historical building at Makerere University.

Eeee Makerereeee Oyeee…OTHERS we are sorry.

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