IUIU Kampala Campus Conducts Workshop for Student Leaders

IUIU Kampala Campus Conducts Workshop for Student Leaders

On Wednesday, 13th July 2022, the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) Kampala Campus conducted its First Ever Campus-based Leadership Induction program for Student Leaders of the 2022/23 Leadership regime.

The induction workshop that began at 9:00am intended to present to the leaders the IUIU Kampala key administrative offices and officers, a system of operations, and key expectations of leaders by the campus administration.

The workshop involved presentations from Dr. Kasule Twaha Ahmed, the Campus Director, Mrs. Kajjumba Sauyah, the Campus Accountant, Mrs. Nakawooya Aisha, the Dean of Students (Administrative Officer-Student Affairs) and different Heads of Department and was attended by over 40 leaders drawn from the Campus Guild Cabinet, Guild Parliament, Dawah Secretariat and registered Associations like the Law Society, Habib Medical Students Association, Human Rights Association among others.

In his remarks, the Director of IUIU Kampala Campus Dr. Kasule Twaha Ahmed commended the Dean of Students for organizing the workshop and congratulated student leaders for accepting to undertake leadership at the Campus.

“I am aware some of you leaders were directly elected by students while others were appointed. But what is important is that you are all now leaders and I congratulate all of you upon the achievement”

He added that in Islam, leadership is a responsibility or trust that should be exercised to the best of one’s ability. The key tenets a good leader should have include integrity, sacrifice (time, effort, and sometimes money), and being kind and forgiving as there are many frustrations that come with leading people.

He encouraged the leaders to be exemplary and hardworking in all their endeavors not forgetting excelling academically.

The Director also assured the new leadership of support from the Campus administration in all their activities.

He, however, cautioned the new leaders of the practice by most leaders who always seek to organize pompous and high-stake activities off campus, warning them that it is not only stressing on their part but costly as well as many times likely to land them on a collision course with IUIU rules and regulations. He, therefore, advised leaders to always organize activities on campus.

He also added that IUIU is a diplomatic institution that has key stakeholders within the country and internationally. He thus encouraged leaders to always inform the administration before inviting any public figure to any students’ activity notwithstanding the fact they could be very close relatives or personal friends to the leaders.

He concluded by wishing the leaders a fruitful year of service.

The Dean of students, Mrs. Nakawooya Aisha on her part thanked the administrators and leaders for being part of the induction. She appreciated the campus administration for accepting to support and fund the first ever campus-based leadership induction program.

She informed leaders preparations for an Inter-Campus Leadership Induction organized by the Main Campus were in progress and the details would be communicated thereafter.

The Guild President, Mr. Nsubuga Ramadhan praised the administration for helping induct his team. He pledged to offer exemplary leadership.

Source: IUIU



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