Kenya Students To protest against Bobi Wine Detention

Kenya Students To protest against Bobi Wine Detention

Over 200,ooo Kenya students under the umbrella of Kenya University Students Organization (KUSO) have decided to join in the struggle of #FreeBobiwine in a bid to see the Kyadondo East member of Parliament, Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi released.

The students have set Thursday August 23 as the date they will show their discontent towards the arrest of Bobi Wine by marching to the Ugandan Embassy in Nairobi.

In a letter addressed to all University students in Kenya, the Chairman of KUSO, Hon Manyara Anthony says that all students will converge at Freedom Corner Uhuru Park on Thursday at 10 am.

“While the Kenyan Youth and students have no stake or interests in Ugandan politics,we do openly take issues openly with the denial of democratic space of a youthful leader…,” Hon. Manyara wrote.

Bobi Wine was arrested and placed into the arms of the military during the Arua By-election campaigns over allegations of  unlawful possession of firearms and is being detained at Makindye Military Barracks.

On Monday August 20, Uganda was covered in teargas and chaos as different parts of the country protested the arrest of the young leader.


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