KIU Open Week Hands-On Training Program Gives Students Vital Skills

KIU Open Week Hands-On Training Program Gives Students Vital Skills

Kampala International University (KIU), held hands-on training from 27 June to 1 July which imparted vital skills among students.

The participants were equipped with skills in making liquid soap, bar soap, bleach, candles, craft shoes, paper bags, pastries, snacks and photography skills.

The week-long skilling program is a career and skills development program organized by the Office of the Dean of Students, and is being run under the guidance of the Directorate of Research, Innovations, Consultancy and Extension in partnership with community-based NGOs – Potter’s Heart Child Foundation (PHCF), Change African Child International (CACI) and Media Challenge Initiative.

The coordinator of this programme Anita Malinga urged the students who participated in this training to keep practicing these skills so that they can perfect them and then consider starting businesses with the skills they have acquired.

“We appreciate the administration for putting this together and for putting in place a platform that gets both students and community equipped with relevant skills.”Malinga said.

The different stakeholders who participated in the training were all praises.

Suzan Madelena Taban, a student who participated in the training said the training was important as it empowered students to be more of job creators than job seekers and also reduce idleness among youths.

“I am so grateful for the skills I have obtained so far more specifically photographic skills, liquid soap and the baking part,” Taban said.

“I have been able to learn different skills, like bar soap making, Jik and gift bags making and am ready to put them into action so that I can earn a living and  improve my standard of living,” Mackline Ahaisibwe said.

Ahmed Mwesige, one of the Facilitators from the Potters’ Heart Foundation said he was happy to be part of the facilitators for the hands-on skills training for the different entrepreneurial areas.

“It is an opportunity for KIU students to have these skills when they are still covering the other area of academics and I encourage the University to build it with more time and resources so that each student that goes through this University goes out with a particular skill that can immediately help them earn a living.” Mwesige said.

“Getting hands on experience from the experts /facilitators has made it easy for us to learn these hands-on skills which we have been hearing of. With these skills I have been exposed to, I’m planning to start a craft business and soap making business,” said Adidas Kamanzi from NCPA.

“The candle-making Session stood out for me. This skill is relatively good for me, and with the little capital required, I’m starting it back in my village where we do not have electricity,” said Nicholas Kazibwe, another participant.

“The training is relevant to their courses and they have been able to acquire skills which will help them in their daily lives,” said Truth Tumwijukye, a lecturer at KIU.

“First of all, as the coordinator, certificate programs UBTEB, the careers and skills week has been beneficial to my students because the courses call for real life projects that enhance abilities outside academics,” Lydia Agasha Mugizi, the Coordinator – Certificate Program, Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) said.

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