LIVE STREAM: Kyambogo University 18th Graduation Ceremony (Day 1)

LIVE STREAM: Kyambogo University 18th Graduation Ceremony (Day 1)

A total of 12,080 Graduands from kyambogo University are to be presented to the Chancellor for award of certificates, Diplomas, and Conferment of Degrees, Masters, and Doctorates.

The Graduation Ceremony is slated for 7th, 8th and 9th December 2022, from 09.00 AM-1.00 PM each day.

The Chief Guest is Hon Maama Janet K. Museveni, the First Lady and Minister for Education and Sports.

Graduands    for   both   Postgraduate    and   Undergraduate     shall   be   presented according to their respective  Faculties/School  on the following  days:

A:      WEDNESDAY   7TH DECEMBER,  2022.

1. Faculty  of Special Needs and Rehabilitation

2.  School of Management  and Entrepreneurship

Watch Below;

B:      THURSDAY   8TH  DECEMBER  2022

1.  Faculty  of Arts and Humanities

2.  Faculty  of Social Sciences

3.  School of Vocational  Studies

4.  School of Art and Industrial Design

5.  Faculty  of Agriculture

Also Read: Kyambogo University to Hire Cuban Professors

C:      FRIDAY  9TH  DECEMBER  2022.

1.  School of Education

2.  Faculty  of Science

3.  School of Computing  and Information  Science

4.  Faculty  of Engineering.

5.  School of Built Environment

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