Makerere Lecturers Write To Minister Kataha Museveni To Abolish The Makerere University Council

Makerere Lecturers Write To Minister Kataha Museveni To Abolish The Makerere University Council

Makerere lecturers under the umbrella of the Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA) have written to the minister of Education and sports, Hon. Janet Museveni to phase-out the Makerere university council.

MUASA accused the University council of failure to perform its duties as the supreme gorverning body of the university per the terms and mission of its founders.

In the letter signed by the chairman of the Association Dr. Kamunyu Muhwezi and the assembly’s General Secretary Dr. Michael Walimbwa, the staff stated that they can no longer put their trust in the council because of lack of sense of direction.

 “Members observed with great concern the persistence decline in the overall performance of the University council in playing their oversight role. Particularly, the decline is observed by constant interference with the employment system by appointments board which is threatening stability in the University, declining student enrollment as a result of poor decision making, financial mismanagement and poor caliber of members of council not befitting Makerere University.” the letter read.
The letter also stated that the decision was made in the previous meetings of 3rd and 10th August and was consented over by all members of the MUASA.

Read full letter Below;

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