Makerere university improves in World university rankings

Makerere university improves in World university rankings

Makerere University has risen by 22 positions from 891st in 2014 to the current 869th position according to the Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR) released on 17th July 2015.

CWUR publishes the only global university ranking that measures the quality of education and training of students as well as the prestige of the faculty members and the quality of their research without relying on surveys and university data submissions.

The ranking are based on eight indicators with first priority given to quality of education, alumni employment, Quality of Faculty, publications,Influence, Citations, Broad Impact and Patents.

Makerere university Vice Chancellor, Prof. John Ddumba-Ssentamu attributed the rankings to the continued hard work and innovation by staff and students.

Makerere University values the status of being a research-led university and as such, has to make the most of all her partnerships, resources and support by development partners. I congratulate the staff and students for their continued hard work and dedication to innovation. This ranking by CWUR is another vote of confidence in your abilities,” remarked the Vice Chancellor.

“We welcome the ranking by CWUR as another independent endorsement of our progressive improvement” said Dr. Vincent Ssembatya, Director Quality Assurance in response to the latest ranking. “This is a good reflection of Makerere’s progress in the core functions of Research as well as Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and Networking. Nevertheless it has shown us that we still need to work on our Teaching and Learning core function, so as to help boost the University’s performance in indicators such as Quality of Education,” he added.

World University Rankings is currently in its fourth year and it is an annually released by the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia-based Center.

The ranking initially considered the top 100 degree-granting institutions for the 2012 and 2013  rankings but has since 2014 considered 1,000 institutions worldwide.

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