Makerere University Releases Gov’t Sponsorship List for Mature Entry Scheme 2023/2024

Makerere University Releases Gov’t Sponsorship List for Mature Entry Scheme 2023/2024

The Academic Registrar’s office at Makerere University has released the official list of students admitted under government sponsorship through the mature entry scheme. The announcement comes after the assessment of examination results for applicants who had applied for admission through the mature entry route.

Students who have been included in the list are granted the opportunity to pursue their studies at Makerere University with government sponsorship. However, for those who did not secure government sponsorship, they are advised to consider applying for private sponsorship instead. The deadline for submitting applications for private sponsorship is May 31st, 2023.

This development provides a chance for prospective students who may not have qualified for government sponsorship to still pursue their desired programs at Makerere University through private sponsorship. The university encourages those who did not make it under government sponsorship to explore this alternative pathway and submit their applications before the deadline.

Access the list below:

The release of the list of government-sponsored students and the subsequent call for private sponsorship applications reflects the commitment of Makerere University to provide accessible higher education opportunities to a diverse range of individuals, accommodating both those who qualify for government sponsorship and those who opt for private sponsorship to fulfill their educational aspirations.

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