Makerere University School of Law Professor Joins Protest against Military Brutality towards Students

Makerere University School of Law Professor Joins Protest against Military Brutality towards Students

Image result for Prof Ben Twinomugisha
Prof Ben Twinomugisha has bravely joined students to denounce violence by police and military: COURTESY PHOTO

Prof Ben Twinomugisha a lecturer at the Makerere University school of law has vowed not to step feet in the University as a way of showing discontent to the police and military violent actions towards students.

In a statement, Twinomugisha encouraged fellow lecturers and other Ugandans to stand up against such vices in society.

Prof. Twinomugisha statement:

I will not step at Makerere University today. I must rebel individually in protest against the vulgar, indespicable, horrendous mistreatment of students.

What happened in Lumumba is reminiscent of Amin soldiers’ brutal treatment of students and lecturers. Anyone pretending that the situation is normal is like the proverbial ostrich – hiding his or her head under the sand.

Imagine your son or daughter in a room. Military thugs forcifully open the door, pull him or her out amidst beatings. Your daughter being raped, molested or assaulted! Ladies and gentlemen, this militarization of all institutions, including the Ivory Tower, the citadel of higher learning, must be condemned by all people of good conscience.

Thus, I have decided, as a matter of conscience, to stay away from the ‘torture chambers’ of Makerere University today. My heart, body and soul are bleeding. I have no mental health to teach. Have a blessed day.

Cc Barnabas Nawangwe

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