Makerere university students to strike on Monday

Makerere university students to strike on Monday

A strike at Makerere university in the pipeline: “My red Gown is Ready. See you at the Freedom square on Monday Morning for a demonstration, all concerned members of Makerere University are invited,” the Guild President of Makerere university, Bwowe Ivan sounds his followers join him in the fight against some policies implemented by the university.

According to a document termed “The students have spoken” and signed by the Guild President, speaker, Prime Minister and other guild officials, students will be demonstrating against the bad policies passed by the university authorities.

Guild leaders say the demonstration is aimed at “Freeing the Great Ivory Tower from the filthy jaws of the mafia

They are thus demanding for;

  • The  immediate resignation of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ddumba Sentamu if he has failed to run a Makerere university in the interest of the future generation of this country.
  • Scrapping of the 10% tuition fees policy with immediate effect.
  • Return of meals to students in halls of residence of Makerere university

This reaction follows the university’s plan to give 4,000 shillings daily for meals to all government sponsored students. Meaning that the university will no longer prepare meals for students in the Halls of Residence as it has been.

Though the university plans to allocate 4,000 shillings for meals per student daily, students say this is too little to cater for breakfast, lunch and supper for a mature person unless the university wants them to eat in the Kikumi Kikimi ( Slums). 

Here is the full statement issued by Makerere university Guild leaders.

The statement issued by Makerere university guild leaders
The statement issued by Makerere university guild leaders


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2 Responses to "Makerere university students to strike on Monday"

  1. Mugadu Yoweri on Facebook   July 12, 2014 at 3:56 pm

    haha dat is gdnewz bt wat abt us da well wishers from Nkumba (neighbours) ha ha

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  2. Mugadu Yoweri on Facebook   July 12, 2014 at 3:56 pm

    haha dat is gdnewz bt wat abt us da well wishers from Nkumba (neighbours) ha ha

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