Makerere University Unveils Dates for Pre-Entry Examination for admission to the Bachelor of Laws for 2023/2024

Makerere University Unveils Dates for Pre-Entry Examination for admission to the Bachelor of Laws for 2023/2024

The Academic Registrar Makerere University announces that the Pre-Entry Examination for admission to the Bachelor of Laws for 2023/2024 will be held on Saturday 29th April, 2023.

To be eligible to sit the examination, Applicants must possess the minimum admission requirements of the University, and any one of the following specific requirements:

  1. A’ Level leavers: Must hold an ‘O’ Level Certificate (UCE) or its equivalent with at least 5 Passes plus ‘A’ Level Certificate (UACE) or its equivalent having obtained a minimum of 13 points (Males) and 12 points (for Females) in any ‘A’ Level combination for both Humanities and Sciences. Candidates who did ‘A’ Level before 2013 should have 15 and 14 points for male and female applicants respectively.
  • Diploma Holders: Must possess at least a 2nd Class or Credit Diploma from a recognised institution. Certified Copies of Diploma Transcripts (No Provisional Results) from the Awarding Institutions must be attached to the Application Forms.
  • Mature Age Applicants: Must have passed the Makerere University Mature Age Entry Examination (for Bachelor of Laws) for either October, 2021 or December, 2022.
  • Degree Holders: Must be graduates in any Discipline from a Chartered University. Certified Copies of Degree Transcripts (No Provisional Results) from the Awarding Institutions must be attached to the Application Forms. (Degree holders are not eligible for Government sponsorship)


  • All applicants wishing to be admitied to the bachelor of laws programme offered by makerere university are required to sit and pass the pre-entry examination of makerere university.
  • All applicants interested in private sponsorship for day (law), and afternoon (lla) will apply for admission when the advert comes out.

Also Read: No scholarships Currently at Mastercard Scholarships Foundation (MSF) for those interested in Studying at Makerere University.

  • All applicants who hold diplomas and degrees must present a certified copy of the academic transcript. Provisional results shall not be accepted to register for this examination.
  • Applicants should note that admission is based on performance in the pre-entry examination and intake capacities for private day and private afternoon for all categories i.e. ‘a’ level, diploma holder, mature age, degree holder and international applicants.


All applicants must present the original academic documents, original proof of payment reciepts, and original identification documents (a’ level former school id’s, the rest should have valid id’ s ) to the academic registrar’s office at makerere university during the registration and verification process. Photocopies of all relevant documents should be attached to the application form.

The Application Form for those intending to sit the examination are obtainable at the University, Room 505, Senate Building on payment of a Non-refundable Application Fee of Shs. 110,000/(which includes six past papers), payable in any bank, after getting a PRN. The Application fee exclude bank charges.

The Application Form can be downloaded by following this link. Return the form with evidence of payment of the application fee.

Visit the portal to make payment.
Enter your name, E-mail and phone number, then click continue
Select code 202, Law Pre-Entry Exam.
Scroll to the bottom and Click Generate Payment Reference Number (PRN)
Take the invoice generated and pay in any Bank All application forms must be returned in person to the same office with evidence of payment of the Application Fee. The closing date for submitting the completed Application forms is Friday 21st April, 2023.
The Pre-Entry Examination shall cover the following areas:
a) Reading and Comprehension Skills
b) Language Skills
c) Numerical Skflis and Logic
d) General Knowledge
e) Analytical Writing Skills
Further details may be obtained from Room 505, Senate Building, Makerere University

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