Meet Makerere University's GRC Simon Peter who nolonger attends Church

Meet Makerere University's GRC Simon Peter who nolonger attends Church
Wankandya Simon Peter  is School of Law Guild representative councilor (GRC) at Makerere university.
Wankandya Simon Peter is School of Law Guild representative councilor (GRC) at Makerere university.

Wankandya Simon Peter is Makerere university’s Guild Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister and a former religious prefect who has abandoned going to church but wants to become Ugandan President in 2036; Davidson Ndyabahika writes.

Born in Mengo in 1993, Wankandya Simon Peter commonly referred to as WASP, attended Top care primary school in Mukono, Namilyango College in Mukono before being admitted to Makerere University for a Bachelor of law.

In his high school, Wasp served as a sanitary prefect as well as a religious prefect in S.2; and a class councilor before becoming a senior Library prefect. Wankandya also participated in clubs while at school like wild life, Entertainment, Rugby, Scouts, and football club.

Reveals his first Sosh: Having attended Namilyango, just like other traditional schools, Wankandya was impressed by the sosh dances at school. He confesses having had his first sosh in S.4 something which he says opened his eyes. He later participated in organizing one while in S.5 at Trinity College Nabbingo.

Joins Politics at Makerere University: Prior to his election as GRC (School of Law), Wankandya contested with little success as Makerere Law Society (MLS) President where he lost to Rt. Hon. Yamurebire Jothan. “I tried my luck as

Wankandya Simon Peter
Wankandya Simon Peter being sworn in

president law school last year (2014) I lost. That’s the time I came into the political scene at Makerere University.”

Despite losing that position, he didn’t give up as the future seemed fruitful for him. He started laying strategies for his future political life at oldest public university in Uganda.

“After losing, I still maintained my friends- kept on interacting with them and some people motivated me to stand for guild president,” said Wankandya.

He adds; “I wanted to be guild president but as time went on, people started to tell me that I should cut off my hair. That some students would not like it.”

Refuses to chop hair, foregoes guild presidency: With huge pressure amounting from friends who wanted him to shave his hair in case he became a guild president, Wasp remained himself.

“It seemed like I was turning out to be like most politicians, who do not believe in themselves and my team was busy and they couldn’t get up to the task. Most of them were novices at the university politics. But I insisted my hair was my freedom.”

His hair leaves everyone with unanswered questions, he however says that’s his choice. “Some people criticize me over my hair, some condemn me but that doesn’t affect me. I don’t mind about people’s opinions. Because I am who I am?”

Inspired to serve as a GRC: Wankandya decided to join politics at GRC level to improve welfare of his people, bring developmental projects to them and ensure students’ leadership is felt among university administration.

“After dropping the guild presidential ambitions, I decided to serve Makerere University because there were so many lacunas in the constitution and I felt I should take part in the guild to make some changes in the policies of the institution. So I decided to take on the GRC position. Policy making and making it felt among students,” said Wankandya.

Among the seven people he defeated was former GRC school of Mitchell hall Hon. Brian Katana, Mr. Tandeka Brian, Mr. Tusubira Grace Mark, Mr. Mugisha Bruce and Ms. Aboto Judith.

He says while it was a competitive race, he trounced the opponents and came as the first runner-up.

“Given the fact that I was a senior citizen in the school, many of the students believed in me and still I had a strong team to campaign for me,” Wasp noted.

He adds; “I think my hair contributed to my winning, because it was unique and people loved it.”

 He used to market himself and this coupled with his manifesto, helped him defeat his opponents.

He says so far in line with his docket as minister, they have achieved some things; “I nominated the legal advisor to the guild, and then I got a team of hardworking men acquainted with the law to work with to have a conducive guild constitution.”

When asked how he managed to become a minister of all GRCs in the house, he notes that he was very unique and this enabled him not to lobby for the ministry.

  “You see, you can tell gold when it’s gold, I think the president was wise to see gold in me and appointed me,” Wankandya said.

Wankandya currently heads the committee for justice and constitutional affairs in the 81st guild of Makerere University. And with many Lacunas in the guild constitution, Wasp hopes to resurrect it through constructive amendments.

“Formerly, the amendments were only restricted in the house, and they would sometimes not be recorded and sent to council for amendment. But now, I am to constitute a commission to traverse the constitution. And we shall give a final report about the review of the constitution.”

His social life: Wasp knows and appreciates love, when asked about his love life, he smiles heartily and the gesture on his face tells it all.

“I have a girlfriend. And her details are not for public interest,” he finally out pours the heavy confession.

Wankandya is a unique figure who doesn’t go to church, “I don’t go to church because I think I can understand my God even if I don’t go there. And more so some religious leaders have dirty hands.”

Wankandya Simon Peter who is also serving as Secretary General, Uganda Young democrats (UYD) Makerere university; wants to become a President of Uganda in 2036.



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