Water Shortage Hits Makerere University Halls of Residence

Water Shortage Hits Makerere University  Halls of Residence

For two weeks now, Students at Makerere University, especially those living in halls of residence are having quite a hard time going about their usual domestic work after water supply went off.

The University had earlier noted that there was a breakage of water pipes that were supplying to halls including Livingstone.

Titus Mungoma, the chairperson of Livingstone hall, revealed that students are resorting to fetching water from nearby water reservoirs.

Also Read: Makerere University Issues Statement Concerning ‘Expired’ Courses

“Since we have no water within blocks, it means flashing these toilets is impossible. With showering, one may get some from the reservoirs or outside but with toilets, there’s no way,” one student explained.

“There has been quite a number of challenges in the hall, scarcity of water being one of them. The administration has been giving us stories, partly claiming the water pipes broke,” he added.

This matter boiled a protest by students on Wednesday who stormed the University Secretary’s office seeking solution to the matter. He (Yusuf Kiranda – the University secretary) promised to have the issue addressed at the shortest time possible.

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