Missing Former Makerere University People Power Guild Aspirant Found

Mukisa Joshua William, the former Makerere University Guild Presidential Aspirant under the people power card who was reported missing last week has finally been found.

Sources say Mukisa was dumped near a swamp.

It is alleged that results from a medical checkup from Mulago hospital spotted tremendous poisoning.

Friends stipulate that he cannot talk and is in a very unhealthy condition.

Additionally, Mulago admitted him to Bombo Military Hospital for thorough poison medical checkups.

The third-year Makerere University Law student disappeared on Friday night of May 17th 2019 according to him roommate, Mr Tadeo Nyakoojo, with whom he resides at Lumumba hall.

The information about who the kidnappers are and how Mukisa was found is still sketchy but will keep you posted when more information flows-in.

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