More 22 vocational training institutions under construction

The education ministry has earmarked a total of sh68b to improve business and technical vocational subjects in Uganda. Jessica Alupo also revealed that the ministry is constructing more 22 vocational training institutions throughout the country.

While speaking at the opening of 2014 African regional conference on business and technical education in Kampala on Wednesday 18th, Alupo said that they are engaging all providers of vocational hands on skills to improve the Skilling Uganda program which started about two years ago.

“The biggest challenge towards vocational training is the attitude of some students and parents that vocational subjects are for academic failures, but we are slowly changing this,” she said.

“We have $75m from the Arab World and an additional $28m from the Government of Belgium to expand our technical institutions and to train more tutors,” Education Minister added.

“Our target is to equip everyone with practical skills so that even if they are from University and they don’t have jobs, they can start something by themselves. We do not want to find the youth on streets that they are looking for jobs,” the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board executive secretary, John Twesigye said

Education experts from the East and Central African region attended the conference.

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