Music Review: Mazongoto By Dr. Hilderman

Ugandans have a wonderful musical tradition with silly songs. They work because often, they are tackling a subject that is more serious than they give an impression of at first glance.

They are also witty as hell, and often, musical in their own right.

Back before he tried his hand at politics, Dr. Hilderman dropped a single that took our dusty climes by storm. It was called Mazongoto, a word that refers to a ‘double bed’.

In the song, he apparently complains about how such a bed makes life harder for couples, reducing the opportunities for intimacy.

Hilderman sang this one with a glee that was contagious. It also helped that the song had a call and answer format to it.

Alongside all this, he was one of the few musicians I can remember who used that Kololo Airstrip groove that Jose Chameleone loves, on his songs, successfully.

Hilderman gave off a happy cheerful vibe, which had a certain charisma to it – he was a popular musician without any pretensions to him.

His songs, those that were musical enough, were quickly snapped up and had some solid airplay. And because of this, Mazongoto worked.

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