Nkumba University Guild leaders tipped on leadership skills

Nkumba University Guild leaders tipped on leadership skills
Nkumba University Guild Leaders during the induction course
Nkumba University Guild Leaders during the induction course

Nkumba university Guild leaders have been undergoing through an induction course aimed at equipping them with leadership skills.

Topics covered during the two days course included communication skills, office and financial management, conflict resolution, peer pressure, health living and patriotism.

Motivational speakers like Rev.Fr.Peter Matovu, a psychology counselor and Prof. Wilson Muyinda Mande, the deputy Vice Chancellor NKumba University did their usual talk and advised the leaders to balance academics with guild activities.

Stephen Kateega(Ass. Dean MakarereUniversity) and Rev.MiltonTweheyo (Dean at Uganda Christian University) were the other facilitators.

Byarugaba Julius leads the Nkumba University Guild Government 2014/2015.

Though the induction was for the guild leaders, many of them were not interested in listening to the speeches but food that was in plenty.

This did not only leave The Campus Times surprised, but also shocked if such leaders will serve the students wholeheartedly.

This was witnessed during meal hours, which saw a large number turning up and yet during the talks, the hall had a handful of guild leaders.

By Denis Bakampemukira

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