PKU-IIASA International Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Austria, 2018

The Peking University and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International are calling applications for Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for the year 2018. The fellowship is open to applicants of all nationalities.

The new postdoctoral program is open to applicants of all nationalities and is aimed at training highly qualified early-career postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in fields of mutual interest at both PKU and IIASA, which include but are not limited to advanced methodology, technological, economic, and environmental challenges including pollution and risk analysis, energy, ecology, and ecosystems management, and natural resources including water.

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is an international scientific institute that conducts research into the critical issues of global environmental, economic, technological, and social change that we face in the twenty-first century.

Scholarship Description: 

  • Applications Deadline: September 14, 2018
  • Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Postdoctoral programme.
  • Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded to carry out research in fields of mutual interest at both PKU and IIASA, which include but are not limited to advanced methodology, technological, economic, and environmental challenges including pollution and risk analysis, energy, ecology, and ecosystems management, and natural resources including water.
  • Scholarship Award: PKU will pay fellows in RMB, even when fellows are working at IIASA. For each fellow, a monthly stipend of 15,000 RMB will be provided. While at PKU, a fellow may pay to live in the PKU postdoctoral flat or choose to receive a subsidy of 3,500 RMB per month and to find their own accommodation. While at IIASA, a fellow will be required to find their own accommodation, but will also receive an accommodation subsidy of 3,500 RMB per month (the equivalent in Euro). PKU will be responsible for bearing the costs of insurances for the fellow while they are at PKU. IIASA will be responsible for bearing the costs of the accommodation subsidy and health insurance for the fellow while they are at IIASA. 
    Costs for relocation travel and the inaugural and subsequent exchange visits of the fellow between PKU and IIASA are borne by the receiving institution. The host supervisors of the fellow at PKU and IIASA are expected to cover the cost for conducting the collaborative research of the fellow and may cover extra travel expenditures.
  • Nationality: The fellowship is open to applicants of all nationalities.
  • Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
  • Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship: 

Eligible Countries: The fellowship is open to applicants of all nationalities.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

The fellowship is open to applicants of all nationalities who are highly qualified early-career researchers. They must have received their Ph.D. no more than five years prior to the start of the appointment. Applicants holding tenure or in tenure-track faculty positions are not eligible. Each applicant must identify at least one faculty member from each institution who agrees to serve as his/her host supervisor.

Selection is based on the academic excellence of the applicant, the quality of the proposed research project, compelling demonstration of the anticipated synergy of a joint postdoctoral project, and the commitment of the respective hosts at both institutions. The research proposal should include information on how the project will benefit from the research environments of both institutions and how the proposal interfaces the fellow’s own research interests with the research agendas pursued by PKU and IIASA

English Language Requirements: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

Application Procedure: 

How to Apply: Applicants are requested to submit their application document as one PDF file by email simultaneously to the coordinators.

All application documents must be prepared in English and include all of the following in one PDF document: 1. PKU-IIASA International Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Form

  1. Full CV or Resume
  2. Two recommendation letters (preferably including one from the applicant’s doctoral supervisor)
  3. An endorsement letter or e-mail from each of the envisaged postdoctoral supervisors at PKU and IIASA. The letter or e-mail should include detailed information on the added value of the research project and a clear statement of commitment regarding the physical and intellectual research environment that the supervisor will provide to the fellow.

Scholarship Link

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