Power of Positive Thinking: It never sounds easy though, to each of us, isn't it?

Power of Positive Thinking: It never sounds easy though, to each of us, isn't it?

There is always a positive and negative side of every situation in life. But it’s every guru’s choice. One day, I go out to a restaurant with a colleague and I get embarrassed when he says the glass of juice they had brought was half empty. I yelled at him saying it is half full. Then I asked him why he is always negative?..Maris Mbabazi Ritah & Keneth Twesigye write;

It reminds me of Jerry’s story! He became my hero the first time I heard about his story, so inspiring, motivating and lively! Jerry was the kind of guy who always lived in good moods and with a positive life even in his speeches. Whenever he would be asked how he felt, he would say; “If I were any better, I’d be stylish”.

He was a restaurant manager whose life regard was a positive attitude towards everything and everyone. This definitely answers the question; why do your colleagues resign their jobs and leave with you? Naturally, he was a motivator. In case a workmate had a bad day, Jerry intervened to engage them on how to gather focus for positive attitude to the status quo.

Jerry was positive all the time no matter the situation. Whenever asked how he does it, Jerry replied; “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad one.” He always choose to be in a good mood that even in bad situations he choose to learn from them rather than being a victim. Even when complaints came his way, it would either be accepting them or forking out the positive side of life.

Maris Mbabazi RitahIt never sounds easy though, to each of us, isn’t it? I learnt from that story that life is all about choices. “When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice,” it stated.

But reaction to situations is what matters. If there are people that affect your mood, it’s a multifaceted choice of good or bad mood. It’s your choice to live life as a take away here.

One day, robbers attacked a restaurant where Jerry was working and he was severely injured. Lucky enough, Jerry was rushed to hospital where he spent about 18 hours in surgery and weeks of intensive care.

By the time of his discharge, he still had fragments of the bullets in his body. It was six months after the accident when he was asked how he was doing. He replied, “If I were any better, I’d be stylish. Wanna see my scars?”

I feared for Jerry’s life because the injuries he had got from the attack were severe. However, he was so positive of recovering.

Surprisingly, Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because he had an amazing attitude.

We learn several Lessons!

  1. We live the choice to live fully!
  2. Take charge of your attitudes for its being in-charge of everything throughout your life!
  3. Before you, always lies two choices (+ve or -ve) your choice matters
  4. For the creator says, “This day, I put before you Life and death”
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