Students Must Register on AIMS before Examinations, Prof. Elly Katunguka Answers Kyambogo Rioters

Students Must Register on AIMS before Examinations, Prof. Elly Katunguka Answers Kyambogo Rioters
He added that no student will enter the examination room when his/her name is not reflected on the system.
“I would like to inform you that no student will be allowed to sit examinations without registering. Most of these people who have not paid tuition are the ones disrupting activities but we shall not give them space to do so,” said Prof. Katunguka.

In a voice note to the students, the Chancellor clarified that although the system slow and has errors, this should not be taken as an excuse.

He therefore advised students to keep on trying to login because the ICT team is rectifying the problem caused by over 10,000 people are always accessing it at the same time which leads to temporary break down.

Students had previously railed against the system by storming Senate building claiming that on top of the AIM being introduced in the middle of the semester, it is also faulty.

“They told us that we shall receive examination cards today. How come they have not been issued out. All this is an effect of the AIMS. They should acknowledge that they failed to plan,” said one of the students in relation to the Vice’s communication.

The Academic Information Management system (AIMS) replaced the encampus. It is a system for paying fees as well as register and print examination permits.

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