Uganda Christian University Graduation List March 2015

Uganda Christian University Graduation List March 2015
Uganda Christian University graduates
Uganda Christian University graduates

A total of 447 students have been awarded degrees and diplomas in different academic courses at Uganda Christian University (UCU). 230 of the graduates were female while 217 were male. 

The best overall student, Mereth Murezi, graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing Science, under the newly created Faculty of Health Sciences at UCU.

Murezi is one of two men who have been offering the course out of 31 students. He scored a CGPA of 4.66, easily outdistancing the best performing student from Mbale Campus, Apophia Nambafu, who scored a 4.54.

The Vice Chancellor, Dr. John Senyonyi handed over the awards during the university’s first part of the 15th graduation ceremony at the Main campus on Friday 6th March 2015.

The guest at the graduation ceremony included Rt. Rev. Michael Kyomya, the Bishop of Busoga Diocese , Chancellor of Busoga University.

Uganda Christian University Graduation List March 2015

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  1. Pingback: UCU GRADUATION 2015. | princess654

  2. Pingback: UCU GRADUATION 2015. | princess654

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